Our fall package is perfect for the food plotter that plants multiple food plots or wants to use the package for food plot architecture and plant multiple food plot blends in the same food plot. This package plants 1 1/4 acres.
The Bowhunter's Blend
Always something to bring deer in! Great early, mid and late season (others all miss the
There are early season food plot products and late season food plot products and even some all season food plot products on the market but the truth of the matter is that none of them are very good in the middle of the season. In developing Wicked Greenz, we made sure to create significant overlap between the seed varieties that bowhunter’s need for early season deer attraction and late season deer attraction. These seed varieties don’t just meet in the middle, they overlap so the middle isn’t missed! You’ll also notice several varieties regrow as eaten so you get substantial graze tolerance, a key to mid-season sustainability. Plus, your plot will provide high protein and high-yield late season attraction. Finally, the winter wheat will provide food in the spring for deer and turkeys and act as a weed suppressant, too.
Early to Mid Season
- Forage Oats - Highly palatable, highly digestible; browse tolerant
- Forage Peas - Highly palatable; soft, easy to eat; regrow as eaten; high protein and high energy
Mid to Late Season
- Rape - Easy-to-grow, high-yield; bushes out as eaten
- Forage Collards - High protein; browse tolerant; very drought and cold tolerant All Season
- Winter Wheat - High protein, late season forage; spring cover, weed stopper; turkeys love it
- Winter Rye - High protein; graze tolerant (grows more as it is eaten)
LOCATION: Full sun, mostly sunny
SOIL PREFERENCE: Well drained, moderately drained, pH range: 5.5-7.0
DROUGHT TOLERANT: Low to moderate
GENERAL FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATION: 300 lbs/acre 9-23-30 plus 100 lb/acre, Urea once
plants reach 6"-12"
PLANTING DATES: North: August-mid September, Central: August-early October, South:
Plants 1/4 acre
Extremely Leafy All-Brassica Blend
High protein, high tonnage; ultra cold and grazing tolerant
This all-season brassica blend features six brassicas that combine to give you both lots of leafy greens and lots of bulbs as well, so you get the best of both worlds. Thanks to the high tonnage, it is extremely grazing tolerant. Checkmate provides lots of protein and is extremely cold tolerant, too. And, with six different brassica seed varieties there is sure to always be something for your deer to eat, from early season (thanks to the fast and easy growing varieties) to when the cold weather hits (thanks to winter hardy Forage Kale). Checkmate is also a great soil building food plot blend.
- Purple Top Turnips - Easy-to-grow softball size soil builder; we’ve seen this germinate in the back of a truck
- Ethiopian Cabbage - Grows fast (germinates in just 45 days) and has a deep tap root so very drought tolerant
- 7-Top Turnips (we are the first to have it) - Super leafy and crazy tall so lots of green leafy yield; very nutrient dense
- Giant Rapeseed - Early maturing so deer are attracted early; a high yield tasty treat
- Forage Kale - The best cold weather brassica, very winter hardy ; also very high yield
- Hybrid Brassica - High energy, highly sought leafy brassica that actually has no bulbs
LOCATION: Full sun, partial sun (4-6 hours)
SOIL PREFERENCE: Well drained, moderately drained, pH range: 5.5-7.0
DROUGHT TOLERANT: Moderate to high
GENERAL FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATION: 300 lbs/acre 9-23-30, 50 lbs/acre 43-0-0
North: July-September, Central: July-October, South: August-October
Plants 1/2
All-Season Brassica/Clover Blend
A synergistic food plot blend - the clovers act as fertilizer for the bulbs. Ideal for distant/non-resident food plotters or those who prefer not to have to “nurse” their food plots
Tombstone is an eight-seed variety food plot blend with three clover types that complement each other while also providing fertilizer to the five brassica/bulb types that also complement each other. The whole idea here is to create a product that works from the beginning of early bow season to the end of the deer season and provide attraction throughout. Collectively, you get not only available attraction all season long but also antler-growing protein, drought/wet/acidic soil/graze/cold tolerance, and energy for post-rut bucks. On top of all this, because of the synergy, Tombstone is the perfect food plot for the distant/non-resident food plotter or those who prefer not to have to “nurse” their food plots.
- Alsike Clover - Desirable annual, tolerates wet/acidic soils
- Crimson Clover - High protein, graze resistant; bi-annual
- Balansa Clover - Very cold tolerant bi-annual cover crop
- Balance Turnips - Fast grower; quality early greens
- Purple Top Turnip - High protein/energy; 45 day germination
- Daikon Radish - Deer eat greens early, radishes late
- Forage Kale - Sweet, palatable; very winter hardy
- Forage Collards - Drought/browse tolerant; good late
LOCATION: Full sun, partial sun (4-6 hours)
SOIL PREFERENCE: Well drained, moderately drained, pH range: 5.5-7.0
DROUGHT TOLERANT:Low to moderate
GENERAL FERTILIZER RECOMMENDATION: 300 lbs/acre 9-23-30, 50 lbs/acre 43-0-0
PLANTING DATES: North: July-September, Central: August-October, South:
Plants 1/2 acre
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