Soil-Building/Weed-Suppressing Transition Blend
Plant this before your perennial or fall plots; aerates soil, adds nitrogen; also a great "throw-and-grow" blend
This hybrid annual/perennial food plot blend is very unique and extremely versatile. We call it the first “transitional” food plot blend because it lays the “groundwork” for a more robust fall food plot. Here’s how: plant Groundwork in the spring as a cover crop that adds nitrogen to your soil, aerates your soil, puts enzymes into the soil to kill weeds and also reduces erosion. Then, rotate in late summer to Wicked Greenz, Checkmate or Tombstone. Alternatively, you can also plant Groundwork in late summer/early fall as a stand-alone throw-and-grow blend.
- Spring Triticale - drought tolerant, highly digestible, high protein; soil builder: captures nitrogen, reduces erosion, puts weed-suppressing enzymes into soil (allelopathy)
- Forage Oats - Deer/turkeys love it; soft, palatable, easy to digest; graze resistant
- Radishes - Highly digestible leaves and bulbs; natural fertilizer, breaks up soil
- Chicory - High in calcium; highly shade and drought tolerant
- Ladino Clover - Long-lasting, high-protein perennial that deer love
- Crimson Clover - Protein-rich, browse-resistant biannual
- Balansa Fixation Clover - The most cold tolerant clover (down to -14°); biannual, deep tap roots help drain soil
LOCATION: Full sun, partial sun (4-6 hours)
SOIL PREFERENCE: Well drained, moderately drained, pH range: 6.0-7.0
PLANTING DATES: North: April-June* or late July-early September
Central: March-May* or August-mid September
South: March-May* or September-October
*Note - For spring planting we recommended using as a cover crop; recommend rotating late
summer into Wicked Greenz, Checkmate or Tombstone.
Plants 1/4 acre
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